What do I do if my gun malfunctions?
How do I clear it safely?
How do I shoot from behind cover at a moving target?
Could I reload the firearm under stress?
Do I know what would stop bullets in my world I live in?
Do I know how to identify who is a threat?
When a situation arises, do you want to know what to do? Call 817-919-7990 today.
This course is designed to pick up where Foundations Pistol finished. We begin by working with the holster in order to improve our use and speed. We then progress to reloads of the handgun, emphasizing both speed and tactical reloads. We work on firearm manipulation skills in order to improve the economy of motion and time. Malfunction clearances are our next order of business, as it is imperative that in the case of our firearm running out of ammunition or in the event of a malfunction we can make our firearm functional again under the stress of self-defense or time-constrained situation. We then progress to shooting from behind cover while we are shooting at moving targets. These exercises are the best to prepare us for possible real-life defensive situations, and therefore we begin to build this skill set and emphasize repetition in future classes.
During this course, we will fire 150 rounds of ammunition and the class is four hours in length.
Prerequisite course: Foundations Pistol
Public: $150
Members: $105