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The purpose of Drills Night is to practice skills developed in the catalog of Proactive Defense classes (Defensive Handgun, Defensive Shotgun, and Defensive Rifle). Each week students will be challenged with a unique set of exercises meant to apply for holster work, use of cover, clearing malfunctions, shooting on the move and ground fighting as well as another pistol, rifle, and shotgun skills. In addition during the Fall and Winter months performing drills under low light conditions presents itself. This truly is a unique opportunity to practice with the flashlights under various lighting conditions.
In general Drills, Night is not a time to learn how to do something but rather a place to exercise skills learned in Proactive Defense Defensive Handgun, Defensive Shotgun, and Defensive Rifle.
The student will shoot between 100 to 200 rounds during this 2-hour course.
These classes are taught every Thursday night at 6:30 pm.
Everyone: $50.00
(FREE with Elite Membership)