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Periodically, for a variety of reasons, a crazed gunman or terrorist will choose to attack a location, with a goal to kill everyone in sight. They usually choose soft targets like churches, schools, or movie theaters. Schools and movie theaters have to jump through a lot of hoops to create a legally viable security plan, but churches do not; by state law, they are allowed to enable unmarked

volunteer security teams made up of church members who already have a License to Carry. Ideally, those people should have additional training of the type commonly called Active Shooter Training.

Our classes are designed to train and evaluate volunteers to carry defensive handguns on a church campus. Participants are required to already have a valid Texas License to Carry (LTC, formerly known as CHL), as that skill level would be a starting point.

Participants should have a handgun and holster suitable for carrying in a church setting, and of sufficient caliber to stop a threat (preferably 9mm or above). During our pipeline of instruction, we walk students through real-world scenarios and situations where they must defend church members against active shooters or other threats, including significant range training. 

The core topics covered in this course are:

  • Recognizing threats, and protection against active shooters

  • Tactics for denying an intruder entry into public areas or classrooms

  • Methods for increasing license holders’ accuracy with a handgun while under duress

  • Interaction of license holders with first responders


The range training includes a diagnosis of an individual’s strengths/weaknesses, drawing from a holster, accuracy, methods to improve accuracy under duress, and the FBI Agent Pistol Qualification. We run each student through our training pipeline that consists of our 3 Foundation classes:


Level 1 Foundations Class 

The class covers the safety rules, proper loading, and unloading of the firearm and fundamentals such as sight picture, sight alignment, grip, stance, and trigger usage. The instruction then progresses to the safe and efficient use of the holster for carrying the handgun, both concealed and unconcealed. Other items covered during the class include one-handed shooting, using both strong and weak hands while firing multiple shots at different target areas; shooting moving targets, and shooting while we are moving.


Level 2 Situational Pistol 

This course is designed to pick up where Foundations Pistol finished. We begin by working with the holster in order to improve our use and speed. We then progress to reloads of the handgun, emphasizing both speed and tactical reloads. We work on firearm manipulation skills in order to improve the economy of motion and time. Malfunction clearances are our next order of business, as it is imperative that in the case of our firearm running out of ammunition or in the event of a malfunction we can make our firearm functional again under the stress of self-defense or time-constrained situation. We then progress to shooting from behind cover while we are shooting at moving targets. These exercises are the best to prepare us for possible real-life defensive situations, and therefore we begin to build this skill set and emphasize repetition in future classes.


Level 3 Adaptive Pistol 

This course, again, picks up where the Situational Pistol finished. We will continue building upon the skill sets learned. We begin with shooting on the move, emphasizing moving off the line of attack as well as the continual movement toward cover and/or leaving the danger area. The student will learn how to shoot at a moving target while he/she is on the move, all while seeking cover to hide behind or an exit strategy from the defensive situation. This class requires the ability to speed load as well as malfunction clearance and manipulation skills learned during previous courses. The topic of team shooting is addressed during this course, preparing students to work with a spouse or another person during a defensive situation. Students are then taught ground fighting tactics so that targets can be safely engaged from the ground. Students must be prepared for every scenario, including the possibility of being pushed or knocked to the ground during a defensive situation.

We believe a member of the church security team must possess a sheepdog’s heart and mindset of protecting others. They should be able to put the well-being of others before themselves. They should have the ability to demonstrate proper gun safety and have the willingness to train at least 1-2 times a month to enhance their firearms effectiveness. We at Proactive Defense are here to help guide your safety team members in each of these beliefs and to encourage them in their journey to be more equipped to properly defend their flock.


For more information into all the specifics of our Church Safety Training Pipeline please contact us via phone or email. We look forward to helping you!

Hours of Operation:
Sun:    CLOSED

10:00AM - 11:00AM - Drills
Wed:    9:00AM - 1:00PM
Thurs:  9:00AM - 6:00PM
6:30PM - 8:00PM - Drills
Fri:       9:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat:      8:00AM - 6:00PM

© 2021 Proactive Defense - Northlake TX Outdoor Gun Range & Firearm Training Center

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